8 Maret 2013


Nurse 1            : Good morning, I am nurse Wulan who take in chargein this room. Is it true that I am with Indra Harry familly?
Family             : Yes I am.
Nurse 1            : This morning I will check the health state of your child, are you ready?
Family             : Yes
Nurse 1            : So, How do you feel now?
Pattien             : Pretty good, but I feel a little bit fever.
Nurse 1            : OK, Now let me check the temperature of your body, .
                          Your body temperature is 38 degrees celsius.
                          is there any other complaints?
Pattien             : Yes, Ive got diarhea 3 times per hour, I also feel nausea and vomiting.
Nurse 1            : Well, I will prepare the medicine and consult a doctor here. 
                           Later, nurse Dien will give your child medication. OK.

Nurse 1            : Excuse me doc, I am a nurse on duty in the room Melati, I have done the examination to patients Indra Harry, her body temperature was 38 degrees Celsius, with a bowel complaint 3 times per hour, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Doctor             : All right, give her paracetamol, neoentrostop, and anti-emetics. I will later examine him further.
Nurse 1            : Alright. I will prepare the medicine.  Thank you.

Nurse 1            : Excuse Me. I am nurse Wulan, the guard in the room Melati will be replaced nurse Dien. Later nursing actions for patients Indra Harry will be followed by nurse Dien.
Chief               : Well, what has been prepared for the patient's treatment plan Indra Harry?
Nurse 1            : Doctor Febra has Already prescribed paracetamol, neoentrostop, and anti-emetics.
Chief               : Well, you shall report to the nurse Dien. OK

Nurse 2            : Excuse me, I am a nurse Dien will replace nurse Wulan, who served in the room Melati.
Chief               : Yes, we have a patient named Indra Harry had who suffered form diarrhea. Nurses Wulan has conducted the examination and treatment plan. You are assigned to deliver the paracetamol, neoentrostop and antiemetics.
Nurse 2            : Well, I will prepare. thank you

Nurse 2            : Excuse me, I Nurse Dien on duty today, are you Indra Harry family?
Family             : Yes, I am
Nurse 2            : Now I will give paracetamol, neoentrostop and antiemetic medication to your child.
Family             : Yes
Nurse 2            : Indra harry, take this medicine after you eat. that you heal quickly.
Pattien             : Yes, thank you
Nurse 2            :  I have given the medicine, the family should monitor the health state of Indra.
If there are other complaints, please look for me in the room nursing.
Thank you, may Indra recovery
soon. See you.

Alit Patrisna                            Family (Father)
Wanda Risma Dewi                Family (Mother)
Indra Harry                             Pattien
Ayu Wulandari                       Nurse 1
Apdiena Soekaratha                Nurse 2
Chandra Gunawan                  Chief
Ngurah Febra Trianta              Doctor

 Ane copy paste, ingetang moraan jak ne ngelah!! Budayakan sopan santun!!

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